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At Hudson Bay Mountain Village you will find a community experience like no other.

This one of a kind location was strategically chosen for its sun-soaked vistas and panoramic views of the beautiful Bulkley Valley. Joining an established and thriving mountain-cabin community, the Mountain Village offers the first fully-serviced building area on the mountain providing endless opportunities for generations to come.

Notably, Hudson Bay Mountain is the only ski resort in Northern British Columbia that has on-mountain homes with sought-after ski-in ski-out convenience.

Now Selling


Homes set in Pristine Natural Alpine

These home sites are sus­tain­ably set in the pris­tine nat­ural alpine of Hud­son Bay Moun­tain with breath­tak­ing moun­tain and val­ley views. While all Moun­tain Vil­lage neigh­bour­hoods will en­joy the ben­e­fits of slope-side liv­ing, The Es­tates’ sun-soaked, larger build­ing sites pro­vide the ex­clu­sive op­por­tu­nity to build your fam­ily-sized dream home. Sun­rise to sun­set ex­po­sure and eas­ily ac­cessed, the very be­gin­ning of Moun­tain Vil­lage, The Es­tates, of­fers the best build­ing sites, ide­ally lo­cated just off the main moun­tain road and only a few min­utes drive from down­town Smithers.