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Activities for Every Season.

Hudson Bay Mountain and the surrounding area provides an outdoor lifestyle that can’t be beat. With activities for every season, and every age, the fun never ends. There is so much to see, do and explore. Your outdoor adventure starts here.


At Hudson Bay Mountain Village, the natural mountainside setting with close proximity to Smithers provides for an enviable sought-after lifestyle.



Build lifetime memories with family and friends.

Whether enjoying the panoramic views from your cozy mountain home, skiing to your door after a rewarding day on the slopes, hiking or biking in your local woods, swimming in a nearby lake or shopping and dining on Smithers’ charming Main Street.



Nestled below Hudson Bay Mountain is the beautiful Bulkley Valley.

The Bulk­ley Val­ley boasts an un­spoiled nat­ural set­ting and a
com­mu­nity com­prised of peo­ple mostly drawn to this nat­ural
en­vi­ron­ment and the abun­dance of op­por­tu­ni­ties and ac­tiv­i­ties it

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Bulkley Valley: Extraordinary by nature.

When peo­ple dis­cover the Bulk­ley Val­ley, they never want to leave—and many don’t. And from Hud­son Bay Moun­tain Es­tates, high above Smithers and the Bulk­ley River, you can see most of it—pure, bold wilder­ness in every di­rec­tion, an ir­re­sistible in­vi­ta­tion to ex­plore.

The Com­mu­nity For­est on Hud­son Bay Moun­tain of­fers a self-guided in­ter­pre­tive Nat­ural Trail through a wide di­ver­sity of habi­tats, and a Demon­stra­tion Trail show­ing var­i­ous tim­ber har­vest­ing meth­ods.

Golf The Northwest


Smithers is the ideal location for your home base for a golf vacation.

Home to Smithers Golf & Country Club, a Championship 18-hole course with exceptional green, Smithers is also ideally located as the centre for a golf vacation. With many outstanding golf courses within day-trip driving distance, Smithers a great locale from which to enjoy a day on the links.

Natural Attractions


Panoramic natural beauty to view and explore.

To the north­east, Babine Moun­tains Provin­cial Park is the place for some of BC’s finest recre­ation op­por­tu­ni­ties. A lit­tle fur­ther east puts you at Babine Lake, BC’s largest nat­ural fresh­wa­ter lake and home to su­perb fish­ing and camp­ing.

Just south of Smithers is Thyee Lake with boat launch, which pro­vides the wa­ter sports en­thu­si­ast with plenty of ac­tion from June through Sep­tem­ber.

A short 1/​2 hour drive from Smithers you will dis­cover Mc­Dowel Lake, thou­sands of acres of un­de­vel­oped crown land for na­ture lovers who like to walk, bike, hike, swim, ca­noe, snow­shoe and look for wildlife.

An easy hour’s drive fur­ther north, brings you to Hazel­ton and the must-see ‘Ksan His­tor­i­cal Vil­lage and Mu­seum. Here you can en­joy a vivid glimpse at live how the Gitxsan peo­ple lived for cen­turies.

View Surroundings


Now Selling


Homes set in pristine natural alpine

These home sites are sus­tain­ably set in the pris­tine nat­ural alpine of Hud­son Bay Moun­tain with breath­tak­ing moun­tain and val­ley views. While all Moun­tain Vil­lage neigh­bour­hoods will en­joy the ben­e­fits of slope-side liv­ing, The Es­tates’ sun-soaked, larger build­ing sites pro­vide the ex­clu­sive op­por­tu­nity to build your fam­ily-sized dream home. Sun­rise to sun­set ex­po­sure and eas­ily ac­cessed, the very be­gin­ning of Moun­tain Vil­lage, The Es­tates, of­fers the best build­ing sites, ide­ally lo­cated just off the main moun­tain road and only a few min­utes drive from down­town Smithers.